Dorm Room Approved Plants

We all know someone with a loved one headed to college this time of year. Living in a dorm room is one of the most exciting parts of the college experience for most students. We, of course, think one of the best ways to make any dorm room feel a little more like home is to add plants! Here are a few that are sure to be great for small spaces and busy students alike.

1.     Money Tree (Pachira aquatic)

Money trees grow best in medium to bright indoor light and moist soil. While they don’t grow money (every college student’s dream), they are sure to add an air of sophistication and life to any space.

2.     Bamboo Plant (Lucky Bamboo – Dracaena braunii)

Bamboo prefers light to medium light and no direct sunlight. Water every few days or grow it in a water-filled pot/vase and then sit back and enjoy the energy and beauty it provides.

3.     Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace lilies love light—the more the better, just no direct sun. Keep the soil moist. The Peace Lily will not only provide a fresh aesthetic, but will also work hard to purify your air. 

Hard-To-Kill Indoor Plants

We have a lot on our plates—balancing work, family, a social life, etc. is no easy task. There isn’t always much time to care for plants. Thankfully, there are some plants that ask almost nothing of you and we’ve compiled a list of everything you need to know about how to keep them alive and thriving. 

Sansevieria (also known as Mother-in-Law's tongue or Snake Plant)

  • Light: Moderate to bright light.

  • Water: Keep soil lightly moist in the growing season. In winter, water just enough to prevent the soil from drying out. Don’t water the center of the rosette of leaves because they'll rot easily if kept wet.

  • Humidity: Keep it away from air vents or drafts.

  • Temperature: Average room temperatures work well. They will not tolerate extreme cold.

  • Soil: Soilless or cactus potting mix.

  • Fertilizer: Feed monthly spring through fall with this fertilizer for succulent plants.

Aloe plants

  • Light: Bright light, with some direct sun in winter.

  • Water: Keep soil lightly moist spring through fall, slightly drier in winter. Do not allow the soil to dry out completely.

  • Temperature: Average room temperatures work well.

  • Soil: Cactus potting mix. Or add 1 part coarse sand with 2 parts all-purpose potting mix.

  • Fertilizer: Spring through fall, feed monthly with a balanced house plant fertilizer.

Pink Quill

  • Light: Bright, indirect light.

  • Water: Spray with water until leaves are thoroughly wet, 2-3 times a week. Do not soak base of plant.

  • Humidity: Moderate to high humidity. Brown tips on leaves are a result of dry air.

  • Temperature: Average room temperatures work well.

  • Soil: Orchid mix or fine-grade fir bark.

  • Fertilizer: Feed once a month in spring and summer with a foliar fertilizer spray.

Miniature cacti

  • Light: At least 2-3 hours a day in a sunny window.

  • Water: Water regularly spring through fall while plant is growing, sparingly in winter. If the plant appears shriveled and wrinkled, it's underwatered. To rehydrate it, water lightly, and then again the following day, and it will recover nicely. Be careful not to drench the soil. Cactus is likely to rot if its roots become soaking wet.

  • Temperature: Average room temperatures work well, spring thru fall. In winter, a cooler place to rest – between 50 and 60°F-- at night is ideal.

  • Soil: Use a potting mix that drains well. You can buy a mix specially made for cacti, or use 2 parts all-purpose potting mix with 1 part sharp sand or perlite. Adding about a 1/2-inch layer of pebbles to the bottom of the container will help drainage.


Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (also know as ZZ plant)

  • Light: Low to bright light. Keep it out of direct sunlight.

  • Water: Water thoroughly and allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Soggy soil will cause rot.

  • Temperature: Average room temperatures work well.

  • Soil: Fast-draining medium works best to avoid root rot. Mix 1 part good-quality all-purpose potting mix and 1 part sharp sand or perlite. Cactus mix works well, too.

  • Fertilizer: Feed 4 times a year with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Four Takes on Modern Floral Arrangements

Flowers add beauty and life to our homes, events and Instagram feeds. For those of you with a more modern taste or aesthetic preference, you may tend to gravitate toward greenery over floral, but we have four modern takes on flowers that you’re sure to love.


Monochromatic arrangements are those that feature only one color, and are clean, simple and refreshing, especially if they are all white. The [major] key to a monochromatic arrangement is to include at least three different types of flowers, all the same color of course, so there are varying textures within the bouquet. 

Metallic accents

Metallic has been having a moment for quite some time now, and its glamorizing effect is no different when it comes to flowers.  Be sure to use it sparingly, but feel free to mix metallic hues, like chrome, rose gold, and yellow gold with your neutral floral palates. You can’t really go wrong with metallic.

Unique vases

Unique vases can completely revolutionize a floral arrangement. Geometric shaped glass vases are sleek, minimalistic, but can make a huge impact in how your flowers are presented. Vases can be investment pieces that you have all life long, or if you’re on more of a budget and willing to do a little hunting, thrift stores are a great resource.

Muted Colors

Flowers don’t have to be saturated in color to be beautiful. Some of the most elegant arrangements are full of muted tones that are easy on the eye and can elegantly fit along with almost any décor. Some go-to muted tones include dusty pink, lilac, and olive.